fermentation roughdraftfarmstead fermentation roughdraftfarmstead


It is so glorious to have a FRESH GREEN food in abundance after that long winter! Besides eating lots of salads, it also means that our kitchen once again smells really strange and is overflowing with fermenting mason jar experiments. Most of them involve radishes since we have more than we know what to do with!What have you been fermenting lately?fermenting veggies. radish and butternut squash. fermenting radishes. fermenting.

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farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead


Fridays are crazy around here.Friday is harvest day, and it sometimes takes just that - all day. We are up early to beat the heat, battling the wind and sun and struggling to keep our veggies from wilting without aid of air conditioning or refrigeration. We are cleaning eggs and rounding up the signs and tents and tables. We are wrestling with bins and baskets and configuring new ways to pack and squeeze the food into the van. We are trying to pick the right amounts of food for the CSA, for market customers, trying to decide which lettuce is ready, is the arugula bolting, should we wait and give carrots next week?! All of this, while still managing the animals and the children and the normal everyday chores. It's crazy, I tell you! Jesse and I can't usually make it to a computer on Friday, but Cher does a great job of recounting harvest days on the Bugtussle blog if you want to follow along.- Hannah.salad turnips and jesse.garlic scapes. the gardens. radishes. broccoli. eggs.

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