animal farm roughdraftfarmstead animal farm roughdraftfarmstead


piggies. We love pigs... most of the time. Most of the time the pigs are well-behaved, sweet, and ultimately nutritious (I am, as I write this, cooking sausage from last year's pigs for breakfast). But then there are the times they are not: they are gone, out of the fence, in the garden, in the woods, who knows where they are. It's those times that are most prominent in my mind right now as we prepare for a really big season on the farm. We're doubling our CSA, we're taking on a lot more debt, and we have to wonder... are the pigs worth it right now?Are they worth the stress to the farmer, the risk to the gardens, the upfront cost, the sausage? The answer? Begrudgingly, maybe not. So I'm having to, for perhaps the first time since we've been farming, make a reasonable decision here. We're going to skip the pigs for the year.The reality is we just don't yet have the infrastructure to properly manage them. They wind up costing a lot more time and stress than we make back on them; than perhaps the pork is worth.This isn't in any way the end of our relationship to pigs. We just need to clear a little more forest—which is currently too dense, unmanageable and inefficient for portable fencing. We need to find more sources of slop—restaurants, shareholders, etc.. And we have to get through this year first. We do that, and we may have pigs again next year. We don't make it through, and heck we'll probably do pigs again anyway. Because if you can't win for losing, you might as well have some pork to show for it.-Jesse. 

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farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead


We sure have been busy lately - especially considering that this is our "off-season!" A lot of travel has been packed into the last month - doing restaurant deliveries, driving to Memphis and Chicago, visiting and celebrating with friends and family. This week it all culminates in our wedding anniversary (four years!), Christmas, and of course, Further's birthday today. Needless to say, the blog has been a little silent. We'll catch up with you soon, I promise.But today, simply this: Happy birthday, Further! We can't believe that you are one already, although we can't remember what life was like without you.further. And happy holidays to all of you!-Hannah + Jesse.

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farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead


We have been taking lots of four o'clock walks lately, right as the sun is (sadly!) beginning to set and we realize we need to get out of the house while we still can. We went walking a few days ago to see the Bugtussle Farm animals and try out our new camera. Wendell and the cats came with us, and along the way we discovered a 20 pound flush of oyster mushrooms, restacked the shiitake logs that were drowning in the pond, and found some brussels sprouts hiding in the garden.oysters.oyster flush.shiitake sprouts.further.hannah and further. 

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farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead


further.Further has become very fond of my keyboard and iPad. It's rather maddening. And it's also completely my fault. Since he was young I've let him play with the portable keyboard because he loves to turn the caps lock light on and off (I mean, who doesn't?). Now, however, he's bigger and stronger and just as content to slam the keyboard with his fists, or summon poor Siri on the iPad by holding down the screen button.Am I sad that he's playing with this device so early? A little, yeah. But this is unavoidable to some extent. This device is an important tool for me––one of the only ways this blog exists, in fact––so there's no real way around it for the time being: Further will not own one until he's much older, but he will grow up around this device.At the same time, I like to think he will see how we use it and want to imitate. That is, I hope, whether he wants to be a writer or not, that he will make writing part of his life, or at least––like his papa––part of his routine. And there are other reasons I'm okay with it.We've been teaching Further some (very rudimentary) sign language since he was born. And it has actually been rather effective. He knows the sign for typing, and he'll show it to me when he wants to type, which makes my heart leap a bit. He also has learned the sign for "rain", "again", "more", and his favorite, "milk." Now, they all kind of look the same, but he uses them at the right times, which is a good start. We're communicating, and it blows my mind every time he waves his little hands and asks to type. So naturally, even though it's not the best thing for this valuable piece of equipment, I set him on my lap and watch him slam my keyboard and think, "Man, isn't language something?"- Jesse.

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