On my recent trip to Chicago, not only did I get to spend lots of time with my extended family - but I also got to bring home a very special gift: my sweet aunt's spinning wheel! She was a weaver in college, and this spinning wheel has been in her family for ages - we have no idea how old it is. It is honestly the most wonderful present. I have lovely dreams of the day we have our own sheep - shearing them, dying the wool, spinning it into yarn, knitting our own clothes. I am so excited to learn how to spin, but I have NO idea where to start. I do know that the wheel is missing a few parts, so I am planning on contacting a local spinning guild here in Nashville for some help.Any spinners out there with tips or advice?- Hannah.
Jesse, being the wonderful human that he is, gave me my Christmas present early this year - knitting needles and yarn and this book! I have been wanting to learn how to knit for a long time, and since I have had an abundance of free time here in Nashville while he is at work, Jesse decided not to wait til December 25. Bless him.I have only been at it a couple of days, but I love it so much. I am still learning (a.k.a. messing up often and accidentally letting the stitches slide off the needles and having to start over) but I am excited about the possibilities. Besides just wanting to knit for knitting's sake....this is also an investment of sorts. Jesse and I dream of raising fiber sheep (and possibly angora rabbits), and we want to be involved in that entire process: raising the sheep, shearing the sheep, dyeing the wool with our own handmade dyes, spinning the wool, and then the knitting! Whew! It is a dream that seems a little far off, but sitting here with my blistered fingers and my first half-finished scarf beside me - it feels one step closer.- Hannah.
Sunday was the Kentucky Sheep and Fiber Festival in Lexington equipped with the awe-inspiring finals for the sheepdog competition. After going, needless to say, we've determined how we're spending our retirement––me with my whistle, sheep and border collie, Hannah spinning the wool and felting. Ok, hopefully we wont have to wait until retirement, but this event in Lexington definitely left us inspired to add a little fiber to our farming.- Jesse.