It was a rare warm day a few weeks back, and Further had been cooped up inside our tiny cabin for days and days. I was going a bit stircrazy myself, and lamented to Jesse that I wish we had some little toddler rain boots for him so we could go outside. Our farm turns into a muddy disaster during the winter, especially after snow.I was outside washing diapers when Jesse brought Further out and promptly placed him on the ground - no shoes necessary. I felt like smacking myself on the forehead - D'OH! Further had a blast and I was reminded of the importance of letting go of control and embracing the mess - it was so easy to clean him up afterwards and I simply washed his onesie in my last load of diapers before the mud was even dry.
Today, we're back to snow and rain and cold, but I am looking forward to warmer days ahead and more happy, dirty feet to clean.BUT AS A SIDE NOTE - where do y'all find little tiny rain boots??-Hannah.