We have been taking lots of four o'clock walks lately, right as the sun is (sadly!) beginning to set and we realize we need to get out of the house while we still can. We went walking a few days ago to see the Bugtussle Farm animals and try out our new camera. Wendell and the cats came with us, and along the way we discovered a 20 pound flush of oyster mushrooms, restacked the shiitake logs that were drowning in the pond, and found some brussels sprouts hiding in the garden.
After Further was born, Hannah didn't leave the house for two solid weeks. She stayed in the bed, or walked around the cabin, but she didn't actually step outside for that whole time.And one morning about a week and a half in, I went out to feed Wendell who was standing patiently on the porch as he always does. But as I opened the door Wendell pushed by me and stepped into the house. This was unusual.Wendell hates the house unless it's boiling hot or raining outside and even then, it's iffy. To him the house is where we dose him with natural flea medicine, or clean his ears. On this morning, however, Wendell fearlessly let himself in and went straight into the living room where Hannah was laying with Further. He sniffed Further and sniffed Hannah, then went back outside on his own and ate his food.I can't pretend to know what was going on in his head, but I love to think that he got worried when he hadn't seen Hannah in a while and decided to figure it out for himself.And it's not just this moment that I'm in awe of this dog––I'm in awe of him in general. He had such a tumultuous first couple years, moving from house to house and farm to farm, most of which were not ideal situations for his breed. It's a wonder he turned out as well as he did. Because he is indeed an excellent animal. He guards the house, he walks with us to the mailbox every day, hunts predators with me when they attack, and he checks on us when things change.Because Wendell's extraordinarily gentle with children––as if aware of his size and how intimidating he can be––we look forward to Further getting older and growing up with him. We're proud that Wendell will be Further's first dog, and confident he'll watch over him. We're one lucky family, and Wendell is one very important member of it.- Jesse.
Some random photos from the past week.Sergio! Our new rooster, a big sweetie. He's working on growing his tail feathers back.
This is basically what our entire homestead looks like these days. So.Much.Mud.
A sweet treat from a sweet Nashville friend.
Wendell loves belly rubs.
We STILL have hundreds of these little ladies inside our house. This one was easy to miss.