Lastweekend we celebrated another birthday - this time JESSE'S! Saturday is always a crazy busy day with our Nashville market, but we managed to cram it even fuller.We met up with dear friends for burgers and beer at Burger Up in 12 South, and then spent the evening rejoicing in the wedding of lovely Brooke and Casey, farmers and butchers and fermenters and all-around amazing folks. Their wedding was simple and joy-filled and held at Sulphur Creek Farm. We had so much fun and were up WAY past our bedtime, but it was all worth it.- Hannah.
The blog has been a bit quiet lately, mostly because I have been in San Francisco this past week for my best friend's wedding, leaving Jesse all alone to man the farm. I feel completely blessed to have been able to fly across the country to visit the lady love of my life, and so thankful for my husband - allowing me to leave at such a busy time of the season! It was a much needed and very unexpected vacation, an amazing time spent with friends old and new. I am headed back to Bugtussle in the morning, eager to see Jesse and Wendell and our new baby chicks that just arrived! So, sorry for all the photos, and we will be back to our regularly scheduled farm posts after this brief Californian interruption.- Hannah.
Early morning flight.
The wedding was held at a Buddhist retreat center among the redwoods. So beautiful.
I was really, really excited about fresh avocados.
This happened.
Learning about coffee at Blue Bottle in Oakland.
Ice cream sandwiches in Berkeley.
After an insane amount of work this weekend—drywalling, mudding, cleaning, etc.—we were still not close to done, but that didn't stop us from moving in! We were ready. Wendell, who'd been spending most of his days at the cabin anyway, was ready. The chickens, too, were ready. So we packed some things, hauled them up, set up the bed and now we officially, have a home.The feeling was surreal. We'd spent so much time in this cabin but it had never truly felt like ours. When we began to cook a meal here, however, we became elated. What all will we experience living in this cabin? What storms? What droughts? What seasons? What emotions? Parenthood? GRANDPARENThood? We found ourselves becoming nostalgic for our first night in the cabin, even though we were still in the middle of it. We imagined ourselves laughing at the days before we had running water, at the meals we had sitting on the floor, at the incompleteness of it all, but the beauty. We opened a bottle of the same champagne we had in our wedding night and were filled with very similar emotions to that day: possibility, wonder, and a fearless love for each other and our future.- Jesse.
Not only is today the end of the world, it is also our one year anniversary!Some people say that the first year of marriage is the hardest....and while I don't know if that is true, I surely know that we were put to the TEST this past year.One year ago today, were were standing together, saying our vows, overflowing with joy, dreaming about our future together on our farm in Owingsville. WELL. Things changed. We had ups and downs, highs and lows. Accomplishments and disappointments. I cried....a lot. And I honestly don't know how I could have gotten through this year without my husband by my side. He was always the one who pushed me to keep trying, to keep going, to stay positive. And we did just that....we kept trying.Now, we are on the verge of our dream come true. And even though we are still trying to process this past year - why we went through so many hardships and losses - I know it was for the best. It has strengthened our characters, strengthened our marriage, and given us a perspective for the future. Unexpected things are going to happen. And that is OK. Because we have friends and family who support us, we have faith, and we have each other.I love you Jesse, even after all this year.- Hannah. See more from our wedding HERE.