Some random photos from the past week.Further having a staredown with his future sibling in between sidewalk chalk sessions.
FINALLY got some wood chips. Do not give up on your dreams, farmers.
Summer garden looking summery.
A little flower farming.
Heirloom mater days (photo by Further!)
Now it’s summer.
Some photos from around the farm this week. One of our Khaki Campbell ducks - no doubt full of cherry tomatoes stolen from the high tunnel.
We have been dealing with A TON of hornworm damage this year, so this is a beautiful sight. (Parasitic wasp eggs on a hornworm).
Although they always give us a bit of a start, we actually love finding black widows in the garden. They are very beneficial garden spiders and actually not really that dangerous.
Fall seedlings next to our edamame row. Can't believe it is AUGUST already!
Our little baby honeynut squash are coming along nicely! They are one of our favorite new crops that we discovered watching "Chef's Table." -Hannah.
Some random photos from the past week.We have lots of green tomatoes...but we are especially excited about these sauce tomatoes!
We have a radish thief problem around here.
This lovely fellow wandered up the driveway for a visit this week.
The MOST AMAZING moth Olivia found - a cecropia moth - the largest in North America!
Honeybees on cleanup crew.
A very dirty, very worn out Further after a long harvest day.
We've been having camera issues and also not had a lot of internet time lately, so here are some photos from the past week(s) as a little catch up.Our friends makes some pretty awesome gingerale.
Our house is filling up with these guys. We will be sick of them come February, but right now it is still pretty exciting.
Further loves playing the guitar with Jesse. Guess what he is getting for his first birthday?
All efforts to keep a clean house are currently being thwarted by our crawler.
Shiitake logs fruiting.
We have been eating beets in everything lately - which means lots of pink meals!