I never cease to be inspired by the food photography on this blog. Truly! Julie makes the most amazing food and takes the most beautiful pictures - and her recent recipe for Vegan Blood Orange//Chocolate Chip Scones was no exception. BUT - it wasn't the gorgeous images of juicy citrus and steaming cups of coffee that urged me to make my own scones. It was the words accompanying the post - about living a life in limbo, about getting in a February funk, about the terrible sadness and stress that can come with waiting. Jesse and I can so relate to her feelings of limbo. It can be difficult to really feel joy and peace in your life when you are waiting for a big change, for a big a move, for something. I love that Julie's response to the chaos and madness during a time like this is FOOD. The kitchen. Slowing down and being still and gathering your family.And so, in solidarity with Julie, I made some blood orange and chocolate chip scones (mine were not vegan). I would encourage anyone else out there who may be feeling the "February winter blues" to do the same.- Hannah.

*Julie is also the face behind the lovely magazine Seasoned. If you like the sound of this recipe, you should check it out!
//// Links we are loving this week ////
ONE: We just got our copy of Seasoned Quarterly, and it is so so beautiful....all about eating whole foods, living seasonally, and the fullness of a simple life. Julie, McKenzie, Kate, and lots of other wonderful contributors share their artwork and stories....can't wait for the spring issue!TWO: One of Jesse's favorite fermentation message boards is actually a facebook group. If you're into fermentation, or just curious, this is a helpful place to stop by sometimes!THREE: An old friend of Hannah's has started an amazing NYC-based store called Bare Bone Supply - "celebrating the passionately self sufficient." We are lusting after the recycled wood pocket knives.FOUR: Pretty interesting developments this week for Kentucky farmers: "The proposed bill -- which will now be considered by the full state senate -- would establish a process for Kentucky farmers to begin growing hemp, but only if the federal government first passes a measure to remove the crop from a list of illegal drugs."FIVE: Fig and Fauna is the website of a family living a rich, simple life on their 3.5 acre Florida homestead. This space is one of endless inspiration: some of the most beautiful food and farm photography of all time, and outrageously delicious recipes. Prepare to get lost.- Hannah & Jesse.