We have been taking lots of four o'clock walks lately, right as the sun is (sadly!) beginning to set and we realize we need to get out of the house while we still can. We went walking a few days ago to see the Bugtussle Farm animals and try out our new camera. Wendell and the cats came with us, and along the way we discovered a 20 pound flush of oyster mushrooms, restacked the shiitake logs that were drowning in the pond, and found some brussels sprouts hiding in the garden.
Some random photos from the past week.Setting up for some trick-or-treaters....even in Bugtussle!
Arrowhead hunting with Ira.
Sweet potatoes.....all day, every day.
This one got ENORMOUS while we were gone!
A blurry shot as we chased the escaped turkeys through the yard. This is basically what our life looks like these days.
Some random photos from the past week.Sorting through our remaining garlic. We still have thousands of bulbs!
Scooter basically lives in this woodpile under our porch.
This new girl joined the family this week. We picked her up from Little Seed, and of course her name was already Charlie (our cat). We are thinking Margot.
Wildflowers in the woods. Anybody know the name?