Although all of our meals are comprised of at least one starch, protein and vegetable, I haven't been creative with any of them in a long time. And so when it came to making our resolutions, I started with my cooking: it was time to branch out and get creative with the pieces of my meals. Up first, starch.Now, I've made biscuits only twice in my life––yesterday and today––so don't expect amazing recipes from me yet. I'm just reading a lot and discovering some techniques, hoping to get it down––to make a nice, flaky biscuit. But when I do, you can bet to hear some tips. Until then, I'd love to hear some of yours! Got any good biscuit recipes? Advice?This is the basic dough recipe I've been following:
Combine flour, baking powder, and salt. Massage in butter. Add milk, don't overwork dough, and let sit for 30 minutes before rolling out by hand, punching biscuits and baking at 450 for 12-14 minutes.Thoughts?Tonight, round two: homemade pasta!- Jesse.
Have you guys seen the newest post over at Sustainable Kentucky?
It is a great list of 75 ways to live more sustainably, and I think it is a blend of incredibly simple steps (like carpooling or adjusting your thermostat) along with some more intense (a composting toilet). If you've ever found yourself wondering what difference one person could make, or if you don't know where to start - this list shows you how easy it is to make small changes that will have a big impact. Visit a farm, join a CSA, watch a green documentary, learn to forage, read Wendell Berry!
And, we may be a bit biased, but we think #9 and #57 are pretty good, too.
- Hannah.
I've seen stats that say anywhere from 50-80% of resolutions are broken by the end of January. That's pretty significant––significant enough to think maybe everyone's first resolution should be to keep their resolutions. So I'll start there - that Hannah and I are serious about our resolutions this year... even if one of mine is actually to be a little less serious.I resolve to be less serious (meaning, less knee-jerk reactions and opinions; to seek more perspective), to be more engaged in conversation and work, and to cook more diversely. I cook every day, but Ive always been perfectly content to simply cook the same basic meal––a starch, a protein, a vegetable––and I'd like to change that. I'd like to have more recipes for the blog, and for our family. I'd like to use more spices and more involved preparations. Ok, and while I was sick recently I was inspired by a movie we found on Netflix––Le Grand Chef 2: Kimchi Battle––about a Korean family's struggle to keep their restaurant alive amidst a country-wide kimchi competition... and their food looked amazing. (Full disclosure, we have not seen Le Grand Chef 1.)Hannah says she's going to paint more and focus more on her artwork in general - we have lots of exciting projects and products in the works! She wants to keep progressing with her knitting and maybe even shear a scraggly Bugtussle Farm sheep so she can start to practice spinning. She wants to master the art of baking bread in the wood cook stove, expand her bee hives, and have a more POSITIVE attitude.As a team, obviously starting the new farm and finishing the cabin will be our biggest focuses for 2013, but there's no need for a resolution there––those are goals, and ones we're thrilled to be able to have! We do resolve to maintain the blog, though––it's been such a great source of inspiration, motivation and support for us we don't want it to get left behind!So thank you all for helping us survive a lively 2012, and here's to an even better 2013! Happy New Year!- Jesse.