farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead


It is that time of year....leaves are falling, the weather is turning cool, and we find ourselves spending hours and hours in the upper loft of the barn. Popping garlic.Bugtussle has been saving their own garlic seed for years, meaning we set aside several hundred bulbs in the spring to replant. That also means that now we must pop open each bulb to remove the individual cloves. I both love and hate this chore. It usually coincides with autumn and sweaters and it is not exactly labor-intensive. But my fingers. Oh, my fingers. It is a special kind of pain....and we aren't yet half way through!Worth it, though. For fresh garlic, it is definitely worth the pain.- Hannah.garlic. garlic. garlic. hannah. garlic. garlic.

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