Morels are a type of mushroom - and they have been consuming all of our time and energies these days. If you have never tasted one, then you can't possibly understand how these little fungi can distract the attention of busy farmers in the spring. We literally will drop whatever important task we are working on and spend an entire day hunting for them after a good rain - and we have had great success so far this year.
As soon as Ira started finding them in the woods a few weeks ago, Jesse and him have been having a little competition, with delicious results. Last week, we enjoyed a meal of morels, stuffed with freshly ground lamb and asparagus. The luxury of farming at its finest.
- Hannah.
Some random photos from the past week.Jesse has been finding lots of morels lately! We love mushroom hunting.
A honeybee on an apple tree blossom.
When our milk spoils, we end up baking a lot of corn cakes on the wood stove.
We have been reunited with our chickens - and of course, their delicious eggs!
The black snake that lives in our mulch pile.
Ira and his adopted lambs, Blossom and Bloom.
This little calf is sprouting her horns - and an awesome hairdo along with them.