farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead


They say money doesn't grow on trees, but those people are decidedly not farmers. However, our trees (er, plants) need some rain to grow some food to give to our shareholders...and quick! But don't worry friends, this isn't going to be another post bemoaning the drought. Hannah and I are just ignoring it and getting some good work done!Beyond the watering we've been doing––hauling jugs of water up to the garden on a daily basis––we've started experimenting with microgreens! This is actually something we've been wanting to do for a long time and it's only now that we have no choice. If it works, it might help to punctuate our CSA offerings for the rest of the season. If not, then we'll adjust and keep trying because we. love. microgreens. We also went ahead and started a small run of fall items––broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and cabbage––with the anticipation that it will, probably, hopefully, rain again one day. And since the garden is still dry, we've been watering in beans, planting more cilantro, more basil, more carrots and all sorts of other tasty things! There are some possibilities for rain over the next few days, so we're remaining hopeful, working on the last half of our summer season and getting ready for what's going to be a spectacular fall season. And I rarely use the word spectacular, if that gives you any indication of our expectations!Also, everyone wish Wendell a happy 1/2 birthday today (six months old, half way to being a horse). ALSO also, we should be expecting baby bunnies within the next week!Here are some day-by-day shots of the greens. They grow so fast!

- Jesse.

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