In continuing with our Messy Mondays series, here is our set-up for cooking down maple sap into maple syrup from last week......and here's what happened when we went for a walk and the oven mitt caught on fire.
Good thing we didn't try this INSIDE the house!
Some random photos from the past week.Our neighbor Liberty has started delivering a weekly newspaper. It is the best.
TRULY local maple syrup.
Sugar Ann Snap Peas....we are hoping they germinate before the voles get them!
Pruning a neighbors apple tree (in exchange for future apples!)
Wanda will find a way to get every last bit of honeysuckle.
We love these tiny Instagram books we got for our market table (by Social Print Studio).
It's tree tapping weather around here! Jesse and I have been experimenting with our own maple sap - turning it into wine, drinking it as a warm tea, using it as a sweetener in chocolate mousse - but we aren't that ambitious about making syrup. It takes a LOT of sap and a LOT of cooking to get a TINY bit of syrup.Luckily, the Smith's aren't as daunted by this challenge and spent a long day last week cooking down sap. It was nice to visit with them outside by the roaring fire, sipping on a warm cup of maple sap as the snow fell.I think they started with near 75 gallons of sap, and ended with about a gallon and a half of syrup. There is a reason that stuff is expensive!- Hannah.