farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead


the farm.Lately, we have sort of been lamenting the fact that Wendell is, in fact, not a good guard dog. During the day, he is basically useless - asleep to the point of comatose - leaving our chickens free for the taking. He is SUPER active at night (as his breed should be), barking and running up and down the road constantly. But even then, he never roams the woods that surround the majority of the house....he just paces the main driveway.Then, just a few days ago, we added a new element to our daily family walk. We started walking the perimeter of the farm, mainly because of the cooler weather and the fall leaves and the realization that we hadn't visited certain parts of the property in months. Wendell was happy to join us. And now? Wendell nightly walks the perimeter. We hear him barking in slow-moving circles all around the farm, deep in the woods. It makes sense - before we showed him the border, he stuck to the driveway where he saw us daily coming and going. He was just protecting what he knew. So I guess we will keep our opinions on his guard-dog abilities to ourselves for a bit, and just keep walking the woods and forming a new path, learning our land and adding a new ritual to these cold, autumn days.- Hannah.barn. feather. honesuckle vine. wendell. walnuts. the clearing. jesse and wendell.

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