Morels are a type of mushroom - and they have been consuming all of our time and energies these days. If you have never tasted one, then you can't possibly understand how these little fungi can distract the attention of busy farmers in the spring. We literally will drop whatever important task we are working on and spend an entire day hunting for them after a good rain - and we have had great success so far this year.
As soon as Ira started finding them in the woods a few weeks ago, Jesse and him have been having a little competition, with delicious results. Last week, we enjoyed a meal of morels, stuffed with freshly ground lamb and asparagus. The luxury of farming at its finest.
- Hannah.
We helped slaughter a lamb last Thursday.That is the only photo I will share of the event, as not to be too graphic. And I don't necessarily want to make any sort of argument for eating meat. We have shared our views on the food we eat before (here and here), but I thought I would talk a little bit more about I why Jesse and I find ourselves occasionally eating animals.When I came first came to Bugtussle Farm two years ago as an intern, I was a vegan. I came straight from Chicago and a diet of no milk, no cheese, no meat, to a farm that was abundant with all three of those things. My very first meal with the family consisted of ground lamb and eggs and raw milk butter. And it was delicious. As I ate, I could almost feel my body telling me YOU NEED THIS - it was clear that something had been missing from my diet, and this was it.And Jesse and I have continued to eat this way - a diet that is full of fresh vegetables, pastured eggs and raw milk, fermented foods and drinks, and sometimes - meat. This is, for us, sustainable. All of these foods are things that already exist around us, things that we are actively growing or creating in order to better the land. And animals are part of that. They are a necessary part of the cycle. The farmers sacrifice their time, money, and energy to give their animals a bountiful and healthy life, while the animals are adding life and fertility to the soil. And as a sacrifice to the farmers in turn, the animals give their life to nourish those who took care of them. This is the way to be self-sufficient, we believe, and completely sustainable.So that means, that sometimes, you have to kill an animal. For me, I still (and hopefully will always) get quite sad in these moments. I always cry as I feel the life leaving an animal, and I think this is OK. Life is sacred and should be respected and honored, and I hope I never forget that, even as I become more skilled and practiced over the years. I know that may seem like a contradiction, to value life and also take it...but that is just the way it is. As Eric and Jesse were recently discussing, death is part of the cycle of life for everyone, whether you eat meat of not.I know this is a highly debatable topic. And I am not saying that no one should be a vegetarian. Or a vegan. I know many healthy people who do not eat meat and get all of the nutrition they need. I also know that our diet is not easy to come by or even affordable in, say, downtown Chicago. We are blessed to be in the business of food and agriculture. But I really do think the healthiest I have ever been is now, eating diversely - and that includes the occasional lamb.- Hannah.
Lambing season is definitely one of my favorite times, and at Bugtussle Farm, that time is now! It is a joy to be neighbors to these animals, and if you'd like an overdose of cuteness for yourself, Cher has been posting about the new arrivals here.- Hannah.