Over the course of this blog nothing will likely be referenced quite as much as our time spent at Bugtussle. It's where we interned, where we met, where we fell in love, and where we'll be calling frequently for advice when our own plants revolt. We owe a lot to our experience there, most notably each other, so you can bet that farm will come up a lot in future posts. There's something ineffably special about Bugtussle, beyond just the amazing name. Located about 75 miles northeast of Nashville, Bugtussle is 170 acres of verdant, lush and uninhibited life, the kind of place that if you stood in the wrong spot for too long nature would gladly envelope you. Of that 170 acres, about 2 - 3 acres are garden, 60 acres pasture and the rest is a mossy, wet forest. They don't apply chemicals––be it pesticides, fungicides or fertilizers––in their practices, nor do they use labels such as organic or biodynamic––though they employ philosophies from each. They're simply Bugtussle. A photographer friend of ours, Tim Harris, made this excellent video a couple years back that both Hannah and I remember watching before applying to the farm. Something about the way Eric talks about their land and their CSA members let's you know what kind of farmer he is. At the time, it let me know that he's exactly the kind of farmer I wanted to work for. I remember the late, great natural wine importer Joe Dressner once acknowledging that he didn't need to taste a wine to know if it was good; he just had to talk to the winemaker. Hannah and I didn't need to taste Bugtussle's food to know we wanted to work for Eric and Cher, we just had to meet the people that grew it*. Watch this wonderful video about Bugtussle.*Full disclosure, however, their sweet potatoes are otherworldly, and definitely did not hurt the decision.
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Hello everyone, and welcome to our new blog! To all our friends, family, and future supporters, this space is a way of bringing our farm and our life directly to you. We are just starting out on this great adventure and happy to have you with us along the way!A big goal of ours is to engage the community in as many ways as possible. We plan to one day host events, workshops, and tours - this blog will be the place to announce and discuss these goings-on.But maybe that's getting a little bit ahead of ourselves - for those of you who are new to our story, here's some introductions:HIS: I was born in Colorado and reared in the foothills of the Rockies. In middle school, however, I moved to Kentucky––presumably to be closer to the UK Wildcats. After high school I tried some college but decided to dedicate my life to food and went to Louisville to learn to cook. Two years in a great kitchen there and I received an opportunity to relocate to New York with my best friend. The Big Apple treated me well and it was where I discovered a passion for naturally-produced wines. It was these wines that engendered a curiosity about farming I couldn't escape.The original idea was that I wanted to learn to grow and ferment food, perhaps even meet a lovely farmette along the way, and then one day start a farm of my/our own. Because? I wanted to eat better; I wanted to stop consuming so much nonrenewable, non-recyclable, unidentifiable everything; I wanted to make my own wines and be closer to my family in Kentucky: farming seemed like the only logical action. I'd never farmed a day in my life, however, so I needed some education to pull it off. Fortunately I found a wonderland-of-a-place called Bugtussle that was seeking interns, and I spent two full, sweaty seasons in the dirt there.It's two years later now, and everything I left the city for is approaching fruition: I got the education, the girl, and now, we've got the farm. There was just one more thing I needed to do before we left our internship for our new life as farmers. Yesterday, while picking kale, carrots and collards, I proposed to her. I asked her to marry me in the gardens of Bugtussle where we met and fell in love––my beautiful, hilarious, and hard-working farmette-turned-finacée, Hannah.HERS:Growing up, Kentucky was simply a place I couldn’t wait to be free of. I was way too big for such a small town, and as soon as I was ready for college, I was out of there. I studied painting at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. Then, it was on to Italy. Next, Chicago. My plan was to just keep moving, traveling, seeing as much of the world as possible, never settling down.But it was in Chicago that I met some urban beekeepers, and I fell in love with bees. And in learning about bees, I started to learn about food. As I became more and more interested in where my food came from, I started to understand that this wasn’t just an interest of mine, but a passion. When I decided to learn how to farm, it became obvious that there was no better place than my very own Kentucky. And so, this nomadic city girl settled down on the farm––Bugtussle, Kentucky, to be exact. It was truly the simple life – we’re talking no electricity, no cell phones, no bathrooms. But while living at Bugtussle, I fell in love with the simplicity. I fell in love with the state I had so despised, with the dirt, the vegetables, the pigs, and, of course, the other intern. Jesse and I soon began making our own plans, and things just seemed to work themselves out over and over––because now, I’ve just left Bugtussle with a ring on my finger and my own farm waiting for me. It was an insane year, and an internship that was more than I could have imagined.OURS:Located about 40 straight minutes and 6 windy ones from Lexington, Kentucky will be Hannah and Jesse's new farm: Rough Draft Farmstead. It's a mildly overgrown 11 acres possessing numerous water sources, barn structures, a house and piles of horse manure. The best part––the part that really brings the dream together––is that it's family land. Hannah's family is deeply ingrained in the Mt. Sterling area of Kentucky near the farm, and this particular plot has been in the family for a long time. In fact, she lived there for a brief period when she was young, and the land possesses the spirit of her first word. They had hoped it would stay in the family, and so had we.We wanted to call it Rough Draft because a farm is a constant evolution of ideas, whims and mistakes, we hope to employ draft animals in the future, and because we're both artists willing to embrace the idea that nothing is ever perfect, it's all a draft for what's next. Using the word farmstead is intentional as well. This place will be both our homestead and our farm––keeping the two together is very important to us. We move there soon, but there is a lot of stuff to take care of first, a lot of which will be documented here.Thank you for reading, and welcome to the farmstead!
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