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I'm not sure what NPR program we were listening to this spring––perhaps Splendid Table, a personal favorite––but they were focusing on heirloom seeds. They brought up a plant we'd never heard of as a fun, easy one to grow: ground cherries (also known as husk cherries). In the seed catalogs we found they were basically tomatillos only smaller and sweeter so we ordered a packet––with visions of wine or curious salsa's––and were really pleased with the results (though we sadly never made it to the wine idea... this year).You would need quite a few to really make a large batch of anything, but we've enjoyed throwing them in sautés and salads. The other day we even roasted a handful––á la salsa verde––with some jalapeño and garlic which indeed proved quite tasty. It's hard not to agree with the radio program's reason for promoting ground cherries, as well, that they would make an entertaining garden project for a family. Popping a fresh, sweet fruit out of a small paper-like sack could be a fun activity for children. Heck, it's fun for adults––we can attest!- Jesse. 

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