Some random photos from the past week.We have lots of green tomatoes...but we are especially excited about these sauce tomatoes!
We have a radish thief problem around here.
This lovely fellow wandered up the driveway for a visit this week.
The MOST AMAZING moth Olivia found - a cecropia moth - the largest in North America!
Honeybees on cleanup crew.
A very dirty, very worn out Further after a long harvest day.
Some random photos from the past week.Our bees swarmed! Unfortunately, this photo was taken with an intense zoom lens and they were at the very top of a very tall tree. We decided to leave them alone.
This is what happens in the spring after a big rain - the mint and the weeds quickly threaten to take over and we suddenly have chaos in the backyard.
The hens are not laying in the coop - so we have Easter egg hunts every day!
The kittens are living in the outhouse per usual.
Potato patch, looking good!
Just a heads up that all of our new honeybee shirts, the children sizes of Farmacist shirts, and the Know Your Cuts shirts are finally back in (limited!) stock in our online store. The Ferment shirts will be back after WILDfest next month.- Hannah.