Some random photos from the past week.Opal and her quilt-in-progress.
Our first box turtle of the year!
Loving our beautiful pitcher by Helen Levi.
One of our favorite birds is back - the Indigo Bunting.
We were oh-so-happy to spend last Sunday with our friends at Little Seed Farm. As before, we loved playing with all of the animals...but this time, we arrived early enough to help out with the milking!
But the real reason we were there: another bartering session! Our tick problem is completely OUT OF CONTROl - and we have been desperate for guineas, which are notorious for their pest controlling abilities. Lucky for us, Little Seed's guineas hatched out some keets last week! So we brought them honey and mushrooms and took home seven guinea keets and a few pullets as well. It is definitely cuteness overload at the farmstead right now.
- Hannah.