animal farm roughdraftfarmstead animal farm roughdraftfarmstead


It seemed like we built our chicken coop ages ago....and we have been waiting and waiting for the day we could fill it with our own little flock.  Some hard-working folks have been busy clearing out all the leftover debris and junk from our yard this we decided it was time to find some chickens!It was very last minute, but the ever-reliable Craigslist came to our rescue. And now - we have our girls!  Sixteen.  Barred rocks (the black and white speckled ones), Golden Comets (brown and white), and White Leghorns - or "Leggerns" as they seem to be called around these parts.  They are pullets - which is basically like teenagers - so they aren't quite laying yet.  But we are more than happy to bring them home while they are still developing, so that we can get them started on a good diet and out on some fresh grass before enjoying their eggs!We are so in love.  Yesterday, I just sat with them for almost an hour...feeding them worms and naming them.  We've have named the four Golden Comet's: Rose, Blanche, Dorothy, and Sophia (our Golden Girls).  Plus, we got an extra chicken for free:  She was a "dirty bird," basically a cross of two breeds and therefore useless to the farmer who registers his flocks. We love her the most, don't tell the others.  She is the barred rock with a brown head you can see in the second-to-last photo.  She is a TOTAL diva.  Her name: Beyonce.We still have a lot more to name: suggestions?- Hannah.

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