recipe roughdraftfarmstead recipe roughdraftfarmstead


Lately, I have been craving seafood. All. The. Time. It is serious. I had to leave the room while we were watching an episode of Anthony Bourdain the other day because I could barely control myself. It was like food pornography. I don't have anything against eating seafood - we just only eat meat that we raise ourselves or was raised by someone we know and trust (here's a little more about our food philosophy). And because fresh, local seafood is pretty much non-existent here in Nashville, that basically equals no lobster for me.But then today, as Jesse and Willie were returning from playing basketball, the next door neighbor walked over and randomly handed them a grocery bag full of LIVE TROUT. After we watched the bag flop around for awhile in the sink, Jesse watched a few YouTube videos about cleaning and gutting fish and got to work on the most delicious and surprising lunch ever. I finally got my seafood! It is a Christmas miracle.- Hannah.fishfishfishfishcheechfishIMG_6367IMG_6372IMG_6377 

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