farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead


Okay, y'all! It's that time! We are super excited––like, sweet potatoes and fresh ginger excited––to announce our fall share! It will be our last in Bowling Green sadly, but for that reason, we're working hard to make it extra special.Here is the breakdown:The fall share will run 9 weeks, starting September 27th (Hannah's birthday!) and going until November 22nd.The cost of the share will be $180 (which works out to be $20/wk).Delivery will be ONLY ON TUESDAYS at the CFM from 2 - 6 p.m..We will still come most Saturdays, but only for market-style sales and to see you beautiful people! So unfortunately, no Saturday CSA pickup in the fall share.If I may editorialize, the fall is the best. It starts out with all the summer stuff still coming in, but moves quickly into carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, ginger, Brussels sprouts, several different kinds of kale, spinach, arugula, lettuce, turnips, celery, [crosses fingers] shiitake mushrooms, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, garlic, potatoes, winter squash, and so on. And SO so on. What a great food season the fall is!SPACE IS LIMITED!If you are interested, please email us ASAP at roughdraftfarmstead at gmail dot com.Or call us at two seven zero - four five seven - four nine five six!Thank you!Jesse + Hannah + Further.butternut squash.

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farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead


2015 fall share.The weathers is cooling off (okay, slightly cooling off), the gardens are loaded with food, so you know what that means—it's time to announce the fall CSA share!Here's the rundown:WHEN:The share will run 8 weeks, from the beginning of October until the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.WHAT:There will be kale, mustard greens, radishes, cabbage and a wild variety of other tasty fall crops. Sweet potatoes will defintely make their appearance, as will many sweet winter squashes. There should be mushrooms (fingers crossed), hopefully nuts, maybe even more honey! There should also be tomatoes and peppers until our first frosts! There is no bounty like the fall bounty!WHERE:Community Farmer's Market in Bowling Green, from 2-6 p.m. on Tuesdays.PRICE:Single Share: $168 (which breaks down to $21/week)Double Share: $320 ($40/week)PAYMENT:Our market does take EBT, so we are proud to say we can accept SNAP for our fall share. We can also take cash, card or check. Otherwise, please contact us if you have any questions at all! ( ) And space is somewhat limited, so if you are interested, let us know as soon as you can.- Hannah and Jesse.

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