Since Jesse is working most days and I am still on the hunt for a holiday job, I have had a lot of free time lately...and I do mean A LOT. I have spent most of it applying for jobs, looking on craigslist for wood cook stoves and cast iron tubs, drawing, and generally trying not to go insane. Just the other day I started working on these Christmas cards using an amazing photograph of Wendell taken by the lovely Klara.I really love how they are turning out. I thought about perhaps selling sets of Wendell notecards to make some extra money...but then I thought that maybe there might be some folks out there interested in their own personalized holiday notecards using their pets. Yes, no, maybe? If you are interested, send me an email at and we can talk about the specifics. Not only would you be supporting the farm, but you would be keeping me from going insane. AHHHHH I'M SERIOUSLY LOSING MY MIIINDDDDD GIVE ME SOMETHING TO DO- Hannah.
Just a little update....we added some "perks" to our fundraising page. SO - if you have been wanting one or our tote bags, or a taste of Jesse's wine, or even a sketch or painting of mine - check it out!- Hannah.
Remember when Wendell looked like this? I have started painting and drawing and making art, partly because I miss it and we now have some space for me to set up a studio....but also partly because I want to hang some of my work around town and start making some much needed cash. *SHAMELESS PLUG ALERT* anybody want some art? Portraits of people, pets, inanimate objects? *END SHAMELESS PLUG* But seriously, I think Wendell is my new muse.