As I write this, we are in town on our way to pick up grain - specifically chick starter. While we didn't order any chicks this year, we are expecting 50 turkey poults next Wednesday. Oh, dear.These pictures of Ira's multitude of chicks and pullets will just have to tide you over until then. This boy loves his chickens.
A big roundup of random photos from the past week.Opal and the little leghorn.
A new crop we are growing this year - yacón!
Santos loves the bourbon barrel.
The almond bugs are out (they really do smell exactly like almond extract!)
New goslings that will someday be protecting the Bugtussle chickens.
Baking in the Smith's outdoor kitchen.
Outfit envy.
In total, during last week's episode, we lost 5 hens. Once the Smith's returned from their vacation, we were able to break the pattern and routine - standing guard around the chicken yard during the 5 o'clock hour. No more attacks. We are also reinforcing the fence, making it taller so the dumb birds will stop jumping out. So far, so good.But YESTERDAY: I was walking back from digging sweet potatoes, and just a little ways away from our house when I heard quite a commotion - a sudden explosion of screeching guineas and chickens. I started yelling and clapping my hands, sprinting as fast as I could. As I rounded the corner of our driveway, I saw a dark, squat sort of creature run across the road into our neighbors cornfield. At first I assumed it was Charlie (our cat), but realized it was much too big (about raccoon size). I checked on the birds - no fatalities, lots of feathers. What a stroke of luck that I chose to walk back when I did!Later that evening, I told Jesse what I saw. It definitely was not a fox, and I don't think it was a raccoon either. I didn't have any sort of tail I could see. He brought up the idea of a bobcat - which is kind of amazing. Bobcats live in the area, but we have never seen one. We are hoping to borrow Eric and Cher's nature camera and see if we can get a glimpse!And in other news, Destiny's Child is alive and kicking. Eating lots of worms and flies and pooping all over the floor.- Hannah.