farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead


Some random photos from the past books.Some amazing children's books we picked up at our favorite Morris Book Shop last week. mushrooms.Harvesting mushrooms off our logs. baby chick.Trying to dry off freshly hatched chicks. cicada.The woods are loud with these guys lately. tomatoes.Our second round of tomatoes is coming on.....lets hope our first frost is still months away! 

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animal farm, farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead animal farm, farm & garden roughdraftfarmstead


Brooding only one chick is the most ridiculous thing. Truly. It means sometimes starting a fire in the woodstove before we leave for market....just for her so she won't get too cold. It means digging through the dirt outside to find worms and grubs that we then have to mash up with our fingers for her. It means coming home to find that she has jumped out of her little box and pooped all over the floor.And all of this for what could actually be a also means lots of cuteness.So I guess we will keep it up.

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