I must admit, it's been a pretty great all-around growing season for us and we continue to reap a generous return on our labor. In late July we planted our butternut patch and this past week, we harvested a solid ton or more of food—some 1,100 squash. It's always such an amazing sight to see that much of one vegetable together—it's a profound amount of food. What we harvested will feed over fifty families this winter, and we'll probably be eating butternut squash in some form all the way until we plant it again next summer.
It was nearly dark by the time we were hauling them into the upper loft of the barn, stacking them carefully where they will sit while they cure. Lets just hope the barn floor holds!
This. This is why we put up with the aches and pains and sweat and tears.Because this is our ingredients list every day. Right now, our options are corn, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, garlic, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, eggplant, peppers, basil, dill, cilantro, beans, berries, mushrooms, lamb, beef, chicken, eggs. We have outrageous meals, eating like kings, and we are all the healthier because of the food (and the work that went into growing it).So at the end of this insane week, the 100 degree days and grubbing for potatoes in the mud and smelling eternally like onions, I am still sure. I am sure that this is what I want to be doing, as I bite into an ear of sweet corn freshly picked. As our kitchen floor is crowded with baskets of food. As I fall asleep each night, belly full and arms sore from work.- Hannah.