I was thinking about the watermelon I'd just eaten, and about picking up the cutting board. I wasn't thinking about the three and a half feet between me and the ground. Any other time I would have had no reason to, but suddenly and violently, gravity gave me reason.It's an unreal force, gravity. It's a wonder our ancestors ever decided standing on two legs was a good idea. I felt as if I had been grabbed by an invisible, angry wrestler and body slammed. Fast. At a speed of thirty-two feet per second per second, to be exact. I had stepped over the cutting board, put all my weight on the side of the porch, and the next thing I knew I was on the ground, convinced I'd just ended my career as a biped. As a farmer.But I lucked out: some minor scrapes, some whiplash, a bruised arm, and a sore back. No broken bones. Not bad. I lived, thankfully, to tell the tale and to remind everyone to appreciate balance—gravity will punish you for excess.- Jesse.
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