A few weeks back, Cher attended an indigo dyeing workshop at the wonderful Hill & Hollow. This week, she used her newfound knowledge, harvesting her own indigo and dyeing some of her own beautiful handspun wool. I helped out, to learn about this magical process and to dye a few skeins myself.It truly is remarkable - a completely green plant that somehow becomes blue. Even when you take the wool out of the dye vat, it is a light blue and then slowly turns a darker blue before your eyes as it hits the oxygen. So amazing!
It was a magical day - spent in Cher's gorgeous outdoor kitchen while Further played on a quilt with the Bugtussle kids, the yarn and roving hanging from the kiwi trellis. It was very addicting - since the indigo last week, I have already dyed with tickseed sunflowers, and next up is pokeberry and walnut and maybe goldenrod. If I run out of yarn, I might just start dying all of our clothes or Further's cloth diapers!- Hannah.