This past weekend we saw a lot of people we hadn't seen in a while, and many others we didn't know, who said they read our blog regularly and enjoyed it. And we cannot tell you how nice that is to hear, or how much it means.It's not always totally sane for us to keep up the blog being full-time farmers, living without electricity, but we do it precisely for that reason - to share what it's like to live like this. We like sharing the ups and downs, battles with turkeys, pictures of new baby kittens or piglets or chicks. We like being transparent about how hard it is, too, about our money situations, our fears and our mistakes. But we also love talking about how much we love it, or how we wouldn't do anything else. In some ways it helps keep us going to put it in writing, and forces us to maintain perspective, to realize how fortunate we actually are. And we've always just done it that way not thinking about who reads or why, just thinking that it feels good to do.So it's fun to hear from the people who do read, and learn their reasons. It's fun to hear their stories or how they use our story in their own lives. It's exciting to hear from people who have started farming because of blogs like ours, and we hope there will be more of that. We hope to inspire more farmers, more gardeners, more homesteaders, more small-farm bloggers. This blog has been such therapy for us sometimes, and such a beautiful support system. And for that reason it is absolutely worth every bit of the insanity it adds––when our server goes down randomly, or when we have to spend an extra hour or three in town just to keep it going––if we can occasionally get a weekend like this past one where we hear from people that tell us to keep it up.With that said, no need to wait until Thanksgiving to say it (we would honestly say it every day if we could), thank you all for reading––it truly means a lot.- Jesse.