CSA brochures.Hannah and I had a most excellent time with our Bowling Green CSA last year. We loved our shareholders and we were extremely proud of the food we shared with them. Fresh ginger. Sweet potatoes. Heirloom tomatoes––lots of good stuff. The 2013 CSA lasted twelve weeks and we were bummed when it was over. So with that in mind, let's talk about 2014!Starting sometime in May (or at latest, June)––when the garden's are up and running––we're going to begin a 20 week CSA with a great diversity of food from the aforementioned treats, to cucumbers, lettuce, beets, garlic, flowers... maybe even some honey (fingers crossed!). The list is enormous. It's possible our shareholders could be eating over thirty different types of veggies this year (God bless our growing region)!So here's the breakdown:The cost is $440 for a single share (feeds a small family and breaks down to $22/wk)A double share is $700 (feeds a large family––$35/wk)A share gets you: a hand-printed Rough Draft bag for your food and twenty weeks worth of veggies/fruit/others, and a 10% or more discount on any market items.We are asking all members to pay in full by the beginning of the season––save for those interested who hope to pay with their SNAP benefits (please email us for details). We request the money beforehand so we may afford to get the season started, fence our garden, buy seed, etc.. For more info on how the CSA works, follow this link and feel free to email us at or call us at 270-457-4956 with any further questions.We're only taking twenty members, so SPACE IS LIMITED. Please let us know of your intentions to join as soon as possible.Checks can be mailed to: 992 Rack Creek Rd., Gamaliel, KY 42140.We will also be coming to the Community Farmer's Market a few more times before the season starts where we can accept cash, check or card.We are planning again for the CSA deliveries to be on Tuesdays in Bowling Green, at the Community Farmer's Market throughout the season.We're looking forward to another great year, y'all, and hope to have you be a part of it!- Jesse. 


