I am breathing a big sigh of contentment today. For the first time in MONTHS, Jesse and I were both together in Bugtussle, at the cabin. It was a complete breath of fresh air - seeing all of the work he has done, visiting with our Bugtussle Farm family, making plans for the future. Sometimes when I am stuck in the city, away from the farm and spending my days indoors, the worries and the doubts will begin to creep in. But every time I drive back to Bugtussle, down that gravel road past the cedar mailbox....I am sure. I am completely at peace, knowing there is nowhere else in the world I would rather be.- Hannah.The cabin!
The homesite is SURROUNDED by irises, day lillies, and daffodils!
Finishing up the wiring and insulation.
The floating back door.
The totally trashed high clearly did not fare well in a recent storm.
We've got a very amazing/terrifying pair of black vultures living in our barn.
The bees are alive and well!
One of Ira's chickens says hello.
The best eggs you will ever eat in your entire life ever.
Eric is experimenting with biochar - they will be posting more about it on their blog soon.
Collecting moss for his flower garden.