Jesse and I have been anxious about our sweet potatoes. Every day we walk past the rows, long and lush and full of wild vines. They look healthy enough - but it is hard to pass them bay day after day, month after month....just hoping that everything under ground is doing as well as the greenery above.We saved sweet potatoes from Bugtussle to use as our slips ( a process you can read about HERE). These sweet potatoes are seriously on another level - neither of us has ever tasted one as sweet as a Bugtussle sweet potato! If our potatoes can even have half of the flavor, we will be proud!Our plan was to dig up the potatoes around the end of September...but we wanted to just make sure everybody was OK down there. So Jesse harvested a little of the row earlier this week....and TAH-DAH! Potatoes! We are pretty pleased with this small sampling. As far as the taste, the potatoes have to cure for a couple of weeks to lose some of the starchiness and become sweet. So alas, we will just have to wait a little longer.- Hannah. *ALSO* please don't forget to check out and share our fundraising page!