Any of the stress we are dealing with these days seems to fade away when we are in the garden.  There are flowers on the peas and potatoes, little strawberries turning red (we were supposed to pick all the flowers off this year, but who's gonna blame us for leaving a couple?), onions shooting forth from our small patch of Tennesee walking onions, and tiny broccoli heads peeking through.  As we see lettuce and radishes and greens on the edge of being ready for harvest, we are preparing for our 1st CSA delivery! Tentatively, we are planning to have the first pick-up NEXT WEEK.  It is exciting and a little scary, knowing that once we get started….that’s it and the train's moving for the next fifteen weeks! But we can see summer coming, with tomatoes and beans and zucchini and squash and melons all in the ground…we know that soon the bounty will be here.


