We are thrilled to have signed up our first CSA members this week! Thank you to everyone who has joined!We still have some spaces left and we wanted to say that if you are interested in buying a share but find the price a bit prohibitive at the moment, please contact us and we would love to work something out. Be it a payment plan or a work/share, our goal is to feed people who want good food, so please don't be intimidated by the upfront price tag. We are flexible. Hannah and I got into this to engage the community, live simply, and offer great food. It obviously has to be a viable business, but the health of our friends, our family and our community is of the utmost importance to us. Heirloom tomatoes, fresh corn, beans, peas, potatoes, etc... Let's figure out how to make it work for you!Also, unrelated...but we survived our first night in the new house! No ghosts, no bumps in the night, no problems! We just enjoyed our first breakfast while sitting on the porch. Simple toast and eggs with some AMAZING hot pepper jelly made by our sweet friend Beth. I think we are going to be alright.- Jesse.